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תודה יה

All Praises To The Most High YAH!

Shalom, Peace & Greetings to you all. I AM a Daughter of the Almighty Creator {El Shaddai Ēl ʿElyōn}, known as Empress TK for Timika Kelly and I'd love to welcome you as I embark on my journey to spiritual wealth & better physical health.  This business idea came from me answering a divine calling to share the gifts that the Most High YAH gave to me to share with His creations abroad.

First as a child, I'd often find myself under the elders learning about plants and flowers because both of my Grandmothers had a passion for gardening. And my Grandfather also planted vegetables & fruit trees. I grew found of knowing which flowers you could eat, suck the honey out of and which grass tasted sweet.

Both grandmothers cooked and because I was a sponge, I learned about spices, seasonings & herbal combinations early. I was grateful for the quality time I spent with my grandparents; I was so uniquely different and had a rough start where I was born, with my mother in St. Louis, Missouri - February 14, 1983.

Before my Father started to raise me at the age of 6 he brought me to Wadley, Georgia where I spent the whole first year in the south and even went to Kinder-garden living with my Grammy & Grampy... I was experiencing or being exposed to trauma and toxic situations with my mother that was in desperate need of being removed from.

After I was born my mother married Stan... the military man; and off I go as an infant to Hawaii where I believe it was the path of my ancestors leading me to the type of climate or environment that best suits my nature. But as my mother recalls... there I almost drowned because she was afraid of the water (which is why I probably learned how to swim like a mermaid by the age of 5). She also said I was pushed down the stairs by a little Hawaiian girl not much older than I. As I hit the floor, I raised my little head; it just dropped going unconscious momentarily, but I only ended up with a mild concussion. She was also in an abusive relationship so back to St. Louis I go now older than 1 years old.  Now my Mommy was sick and starting using street-drugs with a man she later married and I witness so many fights that she trained me how to go to the neighbors when she cried for help. One-time that training helped me save her own life. Not to mention I would get abused by them both. My mom would cry and always apologize and I would always forgive. She just had this thing where she would take way too much medicine and sleep for countless hours and so I hated those drugs that she said she needed to "get better" ... I didn't know it was her way to cope with all sorts of emotional pains and her body’s reaction to the street-drugs. But I would touch and rub on her too because it would soothe her to sleep... she said that I had a "special touch" and so I also made mommy "better"... Making myself responsible as her baby. That was until she eventually over-dosed; and because My Lucy (my grandmother) was not aware of what transpired and I was too young to tell them where my grandma lived or what's her phone number; that placed a 4-year-old me & my 1-year-old baby sister in some orphanage-type living situation until my mother recovered enough to give her information for the family. We were in the same facility close to our mom; where they would bathe siblings together, they eat, sleep & play together... I became her protector and she became my comfort. One day during play-time in the gym with my baby sister in a walker and me going from bouncing ball, jumping rope to riding a tricycle then I'll never forget, a nurse rolls my mom into the gymnasium in a wheel chair with a breathing-tank and tubes hanging from her which seems like everywhere. I hated seeing her so sick and helpless... We were going with our grandmother's the next day so we got to see her before we left and she stayed into the hospital. I hated that someone else was going to be taking care of her because it was me who always gave her, the medicine & water to "help her feel better". Then I'd end up alone with a cranky Mommy who would throw shoes if you'd wake her up or interrupt the TV show she's watching. I would go play alone or kiss all over my baby sister until mommy was happy again and we could all be happy together. So I learned early how to see ill toxic behavior, experience negativity because of it although I try to help but still have enough love in my heart to keep trying & "forgive their trespasses against me" so to speak. But what I later learned it was me accepting and being comfortable in toxic relationships & environments. UNHEALTHY... I was removed from her and My Lucy began taking care of me and my baby-sister went with her father. This was the worst thing ever as she was my only comfort at this point. But my grandmother had the most beautiful rose bushes and tomatoes & garden that I have ever seen on the North-side of St. Louis city. She would go out there and mow her grass religiously (with her pistol right at her side!) and I’d be out there with here... learning about herbs, the soil and planting... finally feeling safe. She also had a piano... even had a mini one for me because I loved music and had "an ear for it & had rhythm". She took me to a Catholic pre-school because that's what she believed in. I was off to a good start with her until my mother's demands for drug money became more uncomfortable and demanded that my grandmother take both girls, she said no... she had her hands full with me. So my mom called my Grammy in Georgia and my Father came and got me to raise me. This caused a rift in my mothers’ & grandma Lucy’s’ relationship that still exists till this day.

My Daddy was just starting his career with Georgia Power and so I supposed it was in my best interest even spiritually for me to live in the Country with my grandparents because those were the best moments of my childhood that I have experienced where I learned so much about the balance and virtues of life.

Although I might have forgotten what I learned for a phase in my life... I did not depart completely because my Grammy was the humblest, most caring & virtuous woman that even the scriptures describes her in Proverbs 31. She brought goodness, and not evil, all the days of her life and professes to being a Jehovah's Witness. After I found out the truth of YHVH, she confessed that what I had learned and discovered within the scriptures about who I was, and who I was not and who were my ancestors; she validated me and reminded me about the anointing over my life. 

So Fast-forward... life happens, I go off to the air force, I travel, I party, I model ... I bullshit. I still have a moral code but I loose myself in the thrill of my rebellion and in life... I once remember to myself saying "I'll get right with God before I die or get old, I'm still young!" How foolish & silly was I!! But I knew I needed correcting! 

I started to attract very toxic friendships & lovers & entertainers. Those associations eventually began to dim my light. In hindsight they gave me very valuable lessons but forced me on my path to seek out the Most High with a pure & sincere heart. I felt duality always but the darkness was consuming my actions and with my guardian angels present, I escaped death & literal sacrifice several times. After my first Mother’s Day in 2007, I went through the darkness and found HaMashicah, the Light!

Then in 2009 my Grampy, who shared very intimate life lessons with me throughout my childhood dies from prostate-cancer. This passing inspired me to begin researching "Cancer... and how can the body could defeat it" Because I was certain God could have made a way! This brought me on a journey of learning how to heal thyself... not only with the Word of the Most High but also with what He gave us on Earth to utilize. I went vegan for spiritual reasons initially, but I soon discovered that my body was so full of toxins that I became so passionate about health, alternative medicines and homeopathic recipes because now I was now a mother, who delivered birth naturally or at-home and was researching against immunizations. Before my grandfather passed away I was not yet decided on my journey to complete veganism, although I was still health food conscious. He had stopped eating everyone's cooking. But days before my Grampy's passing the Most High put it on me to cook anyway and he ate. I felt honored and trusted it was because the food was clean, natural, Godly & filled with the love I put into it. My Aunt would come & massage & rub him to give him comfort because he refused their western medicine. He was in pain; she would massage him until her hands got tired... I would watch her then I rubbed until my hands got tired. But after about a week of being there, at 7 months pregnant and was moving into a new town-home in Atlanta. I left to go get my house prepared... and the next day he died. I wondered if I kept nourishing him would he have made it? if I had known what herbs to help him before he got sick, could I have healed him? These questions plagued me because I knew I could have healed him if only I had remembered my grandmother's before me knew and how our ancestors always used healing with herbs, soups, tonics sacred medicines & prayer.

So I became a super vegan although I had already stopped eating so many unclean things because of the dietary law that I followed in Leviticus 11 from several years earlier in 2007 when I discovered and began to decipher the truth of the Holy Scriptures... So my train of thought was like "in the beginning there were the fruit trees of earth & we were told by God to eat from them." So I quit cold-turkey in 2011 and that mistake sent my body into shock as I was used to eating so much garbage that I developed ulcers, and a UTI the spread to my kidneys, low-blood levels and a hypoactive thyroid. In 2012 I crossed the Atlantic Ocean to fully embrace my calling in Apothecary. I must honestly say I came across Dr. Sebi products to heal those aliments along with my own herbal remedies that I was was concocting due to the "know-how" from my past, I had a "green-thumb" plus I had been reading natural healing books & encyclopedias for years, I took courses in anatomy & biology then started to learn how the body works & how it coincides with what grows naturally on Earth. Oh how Our Creator created this world in perfectly divine order. 

I moved to St. Croix Virgin Islands and I had a yard full of fruit trees, medicinal plants & bushes and I had to many mentors and priestesses that guided me and trained me by taking me by the hand showing me what's what. The women of St. Croix Virgin Islands changed my life and aided me in my healing and reconnecting me back to my roots. So this is the story of how it all began... and I give all esteem to the Creator for being the 1st Source of Healing for all Creation. Hence the name Aleph, Hebrew meaning First, or number One & Apothecary is a natural healer... indeed in my life the Most High is Number 1, so therefore those things he created First that he proclaimed to be "good"... I trust to be good for us being we too are His creation and this has proven itself to be true. It’s comforting to the mind & soul that Our Creator fashioned us with the ability of the body being able to heal itself! Heal as God intended! HalleluYah! Yahuwah Ropheka (YHVH Your Healer) יהוה רופקה


​Aleph Apothecary began as Apothecary Priestess after my brethren Malaki Macabee helped me come up with the concept. This brother also encouraged the writing of my poetic book at the age of 18, although I lost all my previous writings I kept same title and created a poetic autobiography; and again it was actually him who in 2007 brought to my awareness that we are the "Hebrews or So-Called Negro" in the Americas. Because I began researching this History is how I began researching God & Health. Without God & Faith there is no true healing. Each product, formula or recipe were made with love and has been utilized and assisted those whom I love to where I was able to validate it benefits then offer these gifts to any & all interested. They are homegrown, organic or naturally modified as these products are NOT FDA approved. This agency's determined does not deter the benefits, validity or authenticity of the products. These are natural remedies intended for natural use.  Pharmaceutical products approved by FDA outweigh any known risks of products used for natural medicinal purposes. I stand behind each product and offer a return policy if in the event an issue arises.  Thank You!

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