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The following guidelines are to explain spiritually why certain methods are recommended and others to be abstained from. Some of these guidelines are common sense, and others are given as information purpose only. * We recommend the intake of a gallon of water daily. * To prevent fermentation, wait at least one hour before and after your meal to
drink any liquid substance. * Seamoss is highly recommended for daily intake because of its high mineral
content. It is a complete food and nourisher. * Vegetables and fruits should not be consumed together because they cause
fermentation. * Purchase organic fruits and vegetables if available and economically able. * Always wash fruits and vegetables before consumption. * Green vegetables are recommended because of their high chlorophyll content. * Use stainless steel pots, pans, and utensils. Not Aluminum. * Do not eat when in pain, or emotionally upset. * Chew you food well for maximum absorption. * Trust your instincts.
99% of the foods that are available to us a hybrids/genetically modified. What is
recommended her is what we have found to be the least detrimental to the vitality and wellness of the body. 

Aleph Apothecary - Nutritional Guide
Food & Nutritional reference information:

Welcome to a new way of life and longevity. This dietary program will serve as a guideline and reference for you to maximize your healing by choosing the foods that will assist your body. This guide is comprised of foods that may be consumed on a daily basis and also foods that should be abstained. We recommend the intake of the fruits, vegetables and some grains that have their natural alkaline properties that help neutralize and eliminate the acid forming mucus that often gets trapped in the body.
The foods that are noted as foods to abstain from are a mixture of two or more natural or unnatural organisms that results in a crossbred or “hybrid”. We also recommend that you abstain from lactic, carbonic and uric acids contained in dairy products, starches and animal flesh, respectively. These acids break down the mucus membrane obstructing the cells and cause a lack of oxygen throughout the body whereas minerals can not be fully absorbed.
In order to receive the complete the complete benefit of herbal compounds, it is imperative that you follow the dietary instructions. We recommend organic, seasonal foods.

The following guidelines are to explain why certain methods are recommended and others to be abstained from. Some of these guidelines are common sense, and others are given as information purpose only.
Aleph Apothecary nutritional guide is available for purchase for $11.11 and I offer my personal assistance (meal plans & access to herbal detox & products) to jumpstart a 14-day healing Journey for a promo rate $77.77  #healyourself #healersofhumanity #healthylifestyle #preventativehealth #holistichealth #homepathicsfromthe1stsource #naturesnaturalremedies #natanyahtimika #apothecarypriestess #empressTKtribe   #soulalignment #knowbetterdobetter #nutritionaltherapy

**BONUS - Included Receipes**  Empress TK juicy juices! Electric, sweet & delicious! Blood Purification recipe Featuring beets watermelon turmeric ginger lime apple kiwi strawberry dates. #coldpressed And a super electric citrus juice featuring local grapefruit sour oranges mandarin china blood oranges limes and lemons with dates #alephapothecary #empresstk #homemadejuice #apothecarypriestess #electric Womb/Salute King Sunrise Smoothies with Soursop blueberries mamé saboté banana strawberry dates #forbiddenfruit #exoticdelicacies

**creating organic fruit kits - forged organic electric and alkaline fruits from the Blessed soil and sun of the island and shipped to places in the world where available.**

#LOVE_lifeorganicveganeats #lifesorganicveganeats

Nutritional Guide

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